Thursday, June 5, 2008

is OpenSource Pagan?

I believe so. Look at the way things happen. Natural and bound by brotherhood (... I mean both gender - no discrimination ...).

Long before the influence of Christianity, the world was free!. People led it, with the unconditional bond to nature, people invent things for the use of all. Things were exchanged - things were exchanged by deed and kind. Once Christianity came to dominate, everything except Christianity was Pagan. At that, Pagans (men-and-women of free world) were either converted or humiliated, tortured, terminated ... can I say 'Christianitely cleansed'.
Most Pagan societies give in to Christianity. But now the level of comprehension is changed, right. The OpenSource does not give in, to Proprietary counter-parts. Rather ProprietarySource get powered, strengthen or influenced by OpenSource. I like it ... o yes!.

OpenSourcerers (you know what I mean, ...) are the free thinkers ... they do invent ... strengthen ... ideas-things ... the brotherhood does it all. Not wanting anything in return ... for the common good.
OpenSourcerers live too - yes they to have fast-cars and wealthy hobbies. Don't ask me how they make that part of the deal - you gotta find it - err I mean Google it. And the most wonderful thing is, lot of OpenSourcerers' Temples offer both Pagan and Christianity ... err ... OpenSource and ProprietarySource under one roof. Correct me if I am wrong ... .

OpenSourcerers does blood sacrifice - which, of course a part of Paganism - somebody count the number of court-cases against

I have been writing what came to my mind ... I am intended to elaborate more in future ... . Content here could be informal, but looks okay right?.


§UJiŧħ Ŧ said...

Well its nice 2 know u started blogging… I feel its bit of a controversy when u compare open-source with paganism. But da idea is clear that it meant for sacrifice which u bring as a commonality ground. Yes I do agree on your saying how open source contributes rather than other patented ones. Paganism is seen to be a symbol of un control, spontaneous as a result it was criticized saying that it has no clear boundary from the side of Christianity. Though open source is free and contributing they r controlled by certain limitation – Anyways good thoughts and nice writing. All the best. Keep it up!!

Sandaya said...

Yes, open source shares some features with paganism but also there are prominent differences. The main similarity that I understand is the ritualistic nature. Why do we have Linux installed in our PC while we do our work extensively in Vista and OSX? That’s the ritual... By the end of the day, our hearts are with open source.

But there is a question about open source advocates. Since, being an open source advocate adds a value to their technical reputation, 80% of advocates just become such without knowing ABC of GNU. This is where exactly the paganism comes... or rituals come... for a real open source guy (or gal), open source is a ritual... not jewelry.

In Cry’s context, I identify several stages of open source for people; bull-shit, jewelry, life-style, ritual, and religion. I know that Crys does a comparison between open source and paganism, but what I’m trying to analyze is something different; verticals of open source addiction.

My advice for all of you read this post is; if you are confused in GNU/Linux, go back to Vanilla Kernel and start over! I do it quite frequently.

Crysanthus Silva said...

First of all, WoW!,

Within the context of paganism Vs OpenSource, all I want to see is the optimism, togetherness and community-ism - and as I see, is the most valued qualities AND the 'outsiders' (Opportunists) brutalizing it without understanding the valued qualities of it.

Da Cricketer said...

Hey, you are damn wrong. Paganism was what actually kept the west world divided for years. Know how the Greeks and Romans were fighting till Christianity came there. Christianity actually bonded the peoples living in Europe. Whereas paganism kept them apart. There might've been some wars even after Christianity came to Europe, but yet it was not that significant as it was before Christianity.

By the way OpenSource is something quite different. It's not like a religion, but one big charity organisation working for the well-being of the community and its members as well. Its members contribute to the well-being of the organisation and the community affiliated to it. So, it's a totally different thing.

Then what about sacrifices? The pagans used to sacrifice their own brethren. But, once Christianity came to the pagan world all those sacrifices caesed. So, don't try link OpenSource to paganism. It'll only give a negative outlook towards it and help ClosedSource money mongers like M$ and Apple to say that OpenSource is something primitive and very bad to even get close to.

Crysanthus Silva said...

Hello free man,

You've gotten me wrong. I explained my motive behind the article in the previous comment.

I do not like to start an argument, yet if you'd like to see how Christianity held Europe together go read this!